4月14日 北京 两个好朋友 with大忘杠
4月16日 北京 D-22 with 李增辉 冯昊 盛洁
4月24日 上海 696酒吧 with 之王
4月27日 厦门 梦田酒吧
4月29日 深圳 一渡堂 with叶尔波利乐队
4月30日 广州 TU凸空间 with仁科 老田 小刀
Matthieu Ha(马哈哈)音乐简历:
1973年生于巴黎,1994年完成学业后便开始了活跃的独立音乐生涯,并在当年穿越西欧四国,完成了第一次个人公路巡回演出。之后回到布鲁塞尔开始他的第二个项目,研究音乐与城市声音的交汇。此后他活跃于比利时、法国、德国、西班牙、多个东欧国家、东亚与东南亚地区(中国、日本、越南、泰国等)、甚至是非洲的音乐舞台与各种活动现场,并广泛涉及戏剧和舞蹈领域,为剧目配乐等等。作为青年音乐家,他长期探索与实践旅行音乐会的方式,同时也为电影放映作现场配乐,诸如Boris Lehman在巴黎蓬皮杜中心的回顾展。
九十年代中后期与2003年,曾几次被法国、德国的艺术机构邀请做艺术家驻留项目。2000 年欧盟议会位于布鲁塞尔的新址落成典礼上,他曾在比利时皇室成员面前演奏。2006至今他与亚洲音乐家广泛合作。并且积极准备预定于2010年12月至2011年2月的欧亚巡回演出“大亚洲”。
Matthieu Ha (马哈哈)2006年曾与他当时的三人乐队“季节漫步走”来中国巡演,在北京,上海,广州等地感染了诸多热爱音乐的人们。2010年4月他将在中国进行第二次个人巡演,名为“虎虎生威”。
Born in Paris in 1973, Matthieu Ma started his musical adventures after finished his studies in 1994. The same year, he embarked his first solo tour of street concerts in Holland, Germany, Denmark and Sweden, before initiated his second project in Brussels: a research on the coincidences between his music and the city's sound events. Since then, he has been active on international music scene such as in Europe (Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, and several Eastern European countries), in Asia (China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, etc.) and even in Africa. Meanwhile he started to participate in the field of theatre, dance and cinema (music composition etc.). As a young musician, Matthieu is always active in the practice of travelling concerts, and also plays live sound-track for silent movies such as at the retrospective of Boris Lehman at Centre Pompidou.
Several times since the middle of 1990s, he was invited as artist in residence in France and Germany by local art institutions. At the opening ceremony of the European Parliament in 2000, he played in front of Prince Philip and Princess Mathilde of Belgium. Since 2006, he develops further collaborations with Asian musicians, and prepares for the 2010 Eurasian touring show named "the Grand Asia".
Matthieu Ha has been made a touing concerts in China in 2006 as the vocalist and the accordionist with his band. Every city they went, audiences reacted with intense delight. In this April, 2010, he's coming back alone, making his sole tour Tiger Air Force